Nelson's Landscaping (440) 327-6688
Year Round Services- Quality & Reliability Always Included
Care of our environment aids in the prevention & development of pests, bacteria and diseases that can affect our health.
Nelson’s Landscaping understands that even if you love cutting your own lawn it can be a chore. We appreciate you letting us help you with maintenance to head off and cure potential problems. Lawns require regular watering, mowing and fertilizing to keep them healthy and attractive. Occasional dethatching, aeration and renovation will result in a better-appearing lawn. Good lawn care and careful selection of grass types will help prevent problems with pests, diseases and weeds.
Mowing reduces the workload on a grass plant's root system, this helps build a lawn, which is more resistant to weeds and disease. Plus keeping your lawn at a reasonable height reduces possible “hiding” places for lawn pests to gather. Diseased lawns are usually caused by fungi feeding on the grass plants. Thus, why it is important to keep our outdoor areas free from environmental conditions that are favorable for Fungai pathogens to grow. The best line of defense against lawn diseases and pests is Maintenance- mowing, watering, fertilizing practices.
Most experts recommend that grass clippings be left on the lawn. If you mow regularly, the clippings will decompose quickly and add nitrogen to the lawn. Grass clippings do not add to thatch.
Soil compaction (often from foot traffic) can also reduce water penetration and harm the health of a lawn. The best way to solve this problem is to use a power aerator (call for further details), which removes thousands of small plugs from the turf. The plugs are either raked up or allowed to break down. The holes supply air to the roots and increase water penetration. Aerating should be done just before a vigorous growth period—fall or early spring for cool-season grasses, late spring for warm-season grasses. Follow with a fertilizer application
On the subject of when and how much to water, you're likely to hear two pieces of advice most often. One is that you should make sure grass and established plants get about 1-2 inches of water a week, whether from rain or irrigation. The other is that you should take no advice about how much water to give—personal observation of your own is the only way to judge. One fact about which there is more agreement: the ideal is to maintain constant moisture.
Most lawns require 1–2 inches of water per week in summer, depending upon the climate and the soil type. Everyday watering is seldom needed. Letting the soil partially dry between waterings results in healthier turf and fewer diseases. Droughts are a concern also to be considered. Should a drought come into effect or if temperatures reach high levels for a week or more, take these additional steps: Reduce traffic on the lawn and Increase watering on areas near buildings and other heat-reflecting surfaces, as well as high or sloped areas.
“Common-sense” watering tips
Water deeply. With established vegetables and flowers, 6 inches is a minimum. With established trees and shrubs, water 12 to 24 inches or more. As a rule, 1 inch of water will penetrate to a depth of 12 inches in sand and 6 inches in clay. Shallow watering does more harm than good; it discourages development of the roots.
Water in the morning, if possible, and never during the hottest part of the day, when too much water will be lost to evaporation. Watering in the evening sometimes causes problems in humid climates, particularly with overhead watering, which wets all the foliage. Foliage that remains wet all night sometimes results in disease and fungal growth. If you must water in the evening, do it as early as possible so the leaves have time to dry.
The contest for greenest lawn on the block is far from over. By now you hopefully have a little bit more knowledge than before. Please let us know if you have any questions. Here’s an overview of what we’ve discovered.
- If your lawn needs aerating, it's still not too late to perforate away.
- Overseed or reseed those stubborn scraggly spots.
- Fertilize now if you didn't do it in April or May.
- Ater mowing, leave grass cuttings on the ground to recycle all those good nutrients.
If you are serious about keeping a lawn green during the hot summer months, apply one inch of water to the lawn each week (unless Mother Nature helps you out). The worst approach you can take is to allow the grass to go dormant, then water it long enough to start growth, then let it go dormant again.